Affiliate Disclosure is owned and operated by CigarDuck and contains advertisements, affiliate links and our own branded merchandise. may also contain sponsored content and paid insertions and other means of monetization. These will always be clearly labeled as such.

CigarDuck relys on word of mouth marketing. We believe in honesty, integrety and transparency as we provide reviews, news and products for our readers. While we may receive commissions for items purchased through our site, there is no addition cost to you as the consumer.

We only recommend products and services which we have used and purchased ourselves. Our endorsments and comments relating to a particutlar product are honest and true. If at any time we are reviewing a product provided to us, we will disclose that fact.

Obviously, if we review one of our own products, we will benefit from that sale of that item. This fact will be indicated in the sale. Likewise, if we did not believe in that product, if would not be offered by us.

However, cigar tasting is highly subjective. What may be vile to me can be very appealing to you. While there may be a link to an “awful” cigar, it will be labeled as such and let the buyer beware. I welcome independent reader reviews to let me know how wrong I am in these cases!

We are not experts on cigars, but we enjoy them and want to pass on the enthusiasm. We will do our very best to present the facts and our truthful opinions with accuracy.

Please contact us via our contact page with any comments, questions, or concerns. Thank you.