Welcome to CigarDuck! Cigar reviews and information concisely written for the beginner or connoisseur, without the pretentiousness. The beginner or average cigar smoker can be intimidated by walking in a cigar shop or discussing cigars with those who appear more knowledgeable. With a little education, anyone can expand their understanding of cigars and smoking, and the camaraderie of cigar smoking with others can be enjoyed comfortably by you as well!
CigarDuck can help. We can help you choose the best and most affordable cigars available, as well as the best cigars for a more special occasion.
Affordable cigars does not mean cheap. There are plenty of well crafted and well respected brands available for no matter what your tastes are, and we can help you find them. We will sort out the duds for you, so even if you only want to enjoy an occasional cigar, you will have the best available, especially at the lower price points.
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